Chase Bliss - MOOD MKII is here!

An updated version of the iconic MOOD is now in pre-order!

Chase Bliss MOOD MKII Sinesquares

Chase Bliss just announced the MKII version of one of the most successful and well-received pedals they ever made. The MOOD MKII is an update to the original MOOD with a lot of improvements and refined details and I’m sure it will be a big hit just like its predecessor.

At first glance, I was stunned by the beautiful aesthetic of the pedal. The original MOOD was a beautiful pedal but the MKII is just stunning. Its purple tones will definitely stand out on your pedalboard but it’s not just a pretty pedal.

MOOD is a micro-looper with a reverb section. The Micro-loop part is made in collaboration with Drolo Effects and the Reverb part in collaboration with Old Blood Noise Endeavors. A great pair of effects in one enclosure that was heavily used for ambient music and experimental stuff. A synth-friendly pedal for sure, MOOD is, like most Chase Bliss pedals, a source of inspiration that sparks ideas and works as a collaboration with you in the studio. You feed it with sounds and it transforms them into something weird and beautiful at the same time.

We won’t go over all MOOD’s features but instead, I’ll break down the most notable changes in the MKII version:

  • Stereo: The most major and requested change is that the MOOD MKII is in stereo. Lots of people wanted a stereo MOOD (and even more a stereo Blooper) and their wishes have been granted!

  • Overdubbing: Now you can overdub MOOD’s micro-loops. That is, in my opinion, the biggest addition and opens up a new path of creativity since you can record infinite overdubs in your loops creating a massive sonic texture.

  • Freeze: The wet sound of the pedal can be sustained infinitely to create pads and drones

  • 2X Loop Length: Another huge upgrade is that the loops can be double the size giving you more space to work

  • Reverse: Stretch mode can now be reversed. And we all know, everything sounds better in reverse!

  • MIDI: Now everything can be controlled via MIDI, even the dip switches!

  • Note Mode: You can now use an external MIDI keyboard to play the pedal by transposing the wet output. So your pads & drones can become actual instruments.

  • Tone Control: A hi-cut filter can be applied to the wet signal to smoothen the sound.

  • Noise-free Clock: The Clock knob was extremely noisy in the original MOOD. That added a ton of Lofi character but now the Clock is completely noise-free so if you were bothered by that, it’s now gone!

I really hope I can soon get my hands on this one and review it! I was on the fence about getting the original MOOD for a while so I think now it’s the perfect time to finally get the updated version. Stay tuned for more info soon!


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