Sonible - smart:EQ 3 & smart:limit

EQ & Master with zero stress levels

Equalizers and Limiters are two of the most important utility effects for any producer. They are also essential parts of the Mastering Process which can be a very difficult and frustrating process for most producers that try to master their own music.

And that’s where Sonible enters the room and provides two amazing solutions to your audio engineering journey. smart:limit and smart:EQ 3 are two plugins that will make your life way too easier when it comes to EQing and Limiting parts of your tracks or even full songs. These AI-powered plugins do all the work for you and by analyzing your signal, set the best parameters by themselves. You can then tweak as much as you like but, from our experience, almost every time you’ll need zero adjustments since Sonible has done a great job programming actually smart plugins!

smart:EQ 3

smart:EQ 3 is an EQ plugin that is made to achieve the perfect spectral balance of a single sound or up to 6 channels in the same plugin. Its goal is to give your signal balance, remove unwanted resonances and volume notches, and make it smooth and clear. Since EQing is a time-consuming process, having a one-click basis for your EQing is amazing, and smart:EQ 3 does exactly that. You can also adapt it to specific instruments and frequencies so that you help the AI do a better job and enhance its learning process.

A very cool feature is the cross-channel processing where you can combine up to 6 channels of audio and smart:EQ 3 will not only EQ every single one of those channels but also find the balance between them, leaving room for each instrument to shine so you don’t need to worry about frequencies of different instruments clashing to each other.

And even if you still want to make adjustments, you can of course use it as a standard EQ plugin with all the features you would expect on a high-quality EQ plugin.


Now this one is our favorite! smart:limit is a limiter plugin that you’ll use on every track you make after you test it out. Limiters are a tricky type of plugin since many producers (who aren’t trained audio engineers) cannot fully understand them. The idea is that you set the ceiling of your output volume and boost the signal up to it without letting it clip and distort. But there is so much more to it like dynamics, LUF metering,, and overall loudness that are not so easy to handle.

smart:limit takes care of all of your problems with loudness and limiting and you get a release-ready mix in a few minutes! Which is absurd! You can choose the genre of your choice or even import a reference track and the AI behind the plugin will adjust its settings to give you a well-balanced and transparent mix. You then just click the Quality Check button and you get instant feedback and recommendations for you to adjust. You can even reference your mix for Spotify, Apple Music, and all major streaming platforms so that you ensure that your song will sound great for streaming. That alone is a huge deal since it’s very disappointing to release music that doesn’t sound great or doesn’t have a balanced loudness.

The best thing is that the plugin is very simple to use with very few parameters to work with and the results are amazing! And if you ever mastered your music by yourself, there is absolutely no way you won’t appreciate it.

One of the easiest recommendations we’ve ever made on our website!


Sonible cleverly used AI to enhance its plugins and make producing music a lot easier. Nowadays a lot of companies are moving in this direction, enabling musicians with tools that will assist them and help them focus on the important stuff of the music-making process. Because EQing, as important as it is, is not something you want to spend hours on. So with tools like the ones offered in the smart:bundle by Sonible, producers can become more productive than ever!

Let us know in the comments below if you want to us to check out more plugins of Sonible’s smart:bundle!



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