Spectral Plugins OCS-45

The best value for money cassette simulation?

Plugins that will get your mix sound like itโ€™s been played through a cassette deck or 4-track have been extremely popular in the past few years. The actual Tascam 4-tracks (and others) have also made a huge comeback since producers are desperately trying to make music that sounds like itโ€™s coming from the 80s or 90s. Weโ€™ve even made a list of our favorite LoFi plugins here.

On the hunt for the best Cassette simulation, we came across Spectral Plugins OCS-45 and we got to test it out.

OCS-45 provides all the features a cassette plugin should have. Wow and Flutter, Noise, Distortion, and Dropouts are things that you typically find on these types of plugins and OCS-45 has all of them in a clear and clean layout. Plus, you can choose from 4 different types of cassettes just like in the real world!

Wow and Flutter is the most common thing youโ€™ll notice on a cassette recording. For those that donโ€™t know what it is, itโ€™s the Pitch and Tonal fluctuations of your signal when itโ€™s played on a tape. The physical movement of the tape makes your output just a bit inconsistent but also very much alive and interesting.

Noise is another typical aspect of tape. These old units were noisy as hell and that ended up being a part of their charm. On OCS-45, you have 4 different types of Noise to choose from with a few neat details. Firstly, it comes with an envelope follower so the noise only plays when you run sound through the plugin. Thatโ€™s very helpful because on other plugins the noise is consistent and you have to turn the plugin on and off to get rid of it when you donโ€™t want to hear it. Another cool thing is that they added a D/O switch that introduces random dropouts to the noise signal and that adds some character to it.

Dropout is when the sound cuts off for a very brief moment. On an actual cassette, that happens when the tape is damaged (which happens very easily) and on OCS-45 you have control of the frequency and amount with a single knob.

The best thing about the OCS-45 is its Distortion Module. 4-Tracks tend to distort the signal if it gets too hot in a very pleasant way and on their plugin, Spectral Plugins added a great distortion that can be very handy even on its own. You get to choose from 5 distortion types and control the mix, the tone, and of course the Drive! Here are the 5 different types:

  • Tube โ€“ A semi-aggressive form of distortion that simulates Tube amplifiers.

  • Diode - A specific way of clipping that produces an aggressive, distorted sound.

  • Soft Clip - Rounds up the endings of the waveform resulting in a pleasant, warm sound.

  • Saturation - A subtle form of distortion that adds pleasant-sounding harmonics.

  • Downsample - Reduces the sample rate of the signal creating a bright ringing tone.

Lastly, the 4 cassette types play a huge role in the overall sound of the plugin. Type I is the cheapest one that has the most degraded sound, while Type IV cassettes are the most high quality you can get. And on the OCS-45 you can just switch to any type you want and hear the difference immediately.


OCS-45 is another great cassette simulation plugin. It has all the features youโ€™d expect with a few nice twists and its overall sound is great. But the best thing thatโ€™s a real advantage itโ€™s its price. It comes only at 15$ which is a lot cheaper than its competitors so if you are looking for a cassette plugin itโ€™s the best value for money option out there!



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