Why do plugins look like hardware synths?

Is it a habit or we’re just lazy?

Sotfware synths design

So far, I’ve played hundreds of software synthesizers and effects. Some of them are amazing, some of them suck and most of them are somewhere in between. But there is one thing that 99% of those plugins have in common. Their User Interface. All of them look like hardware synthesizers in design, architecture, knobs, etc.

So why do all these companies keep using an interface made for hardware design in the digital world?

1. Power of habit

A first, and kind of obvious answer, is that since plugins are made to recreate an instrument that for a long time was hardware only, it would make sense and be easier to understand if its layout reminds us of an actual instrument. We were used to knobs, sliders, and the general looks of a synthesizer so seeing a digital image that looks like a synthesizer would be much more familiar and we would quickly be able to use it.

When you see a knob, you already know that you can twist it so the basic learning curve of a software synth is almost immediate. Just like a ton of things that were digitalized, the first iterations were always just a digital recreation of an analog thing for that exact reason.

2. Attack of the clones

Similar to the point above, in the synth community we are obsessed with vintage synths and gear. Most people still think that an old analog synthesizer sounds a lot better than a modern recreation while in most cases it is not true and that’s the reason a lot of plugin manufacturers release plugin versions of anything vintage.

So if you are going to create a VST Juno, the UI must certainly look like a Juno, right? If it doesn’t the consumer will not feel he’s using a Juno plugin so we are flooded by a clone plugin of vintage gear.

3. It’s easy

Over the decades that companies designed hardware gear, the basic interface and architecture of a synth have become pretty common since they saw and understood what is ergonomically best for the end user. So plugin companies just copy the same UI (that was made for a physical piece of gear) and call it a day. It is familiar & works in the analog world so why bother designing it from scratch?

The problem with software synths

I find it extremely difficult to work with a software synthesizer and even design a basic patch and I’m pretty sure there are a lot of people out there like me. Twisting a knob with a mouse is one of the most horrible experiences a person can have so when I see a huge plugin with a ton of knobs I’m discouraged in an instant. And while I don’t really find that much of a difference in sound, I almost never use the dozens of software synths I have because it’s simply uninspiring to make sounds on them.

It’s not only the absence of touching an actual instrument or working on a screen with a mouse and keyboard but also the slow and sometimes stupid workflow of using a plugin that looks like a massive hardware synth. We interact with computers, iPads, and smartphones in a much different way than we do on other physical devices, and that must be taken into consideration when we design things that are meant to be played on one of these devices.

So what can we do to solve this problem?

The software industry is now very mature and it’s time for some changes and innovation. Consider that there are producers out there that make hit records that have never even seen a Minimoog in real life. So keep giving them plugins that look like a Minimoog is dumb and just make their lives hard.

What needs to happen is for plugin companies to think outside of the box, forget about the typical hardware architecture and embrace technology and the way people actually use computers in order to provide a much better and organic experience when using their plugins. So step one, no more tiny digital knobs!

The capabilities of software design are almost limitless and can help us create instruments that wouldn't be possible in the physical world and that’s where we need to invest and try to innovate. And that’s not only for the design but also for the features provided. In the digital world, there are not a lot of limitations regarding soft synths. Do you want 100 LFOs? Done!

Thinking outside of the box in terms of sound design, synthesis methods, and features of a synthesizer can lead to amazing results, new sounds, and a completely different approach to how we create music. So being stuck on making a digital Prophet is not the way to go forward. We need to experiment more and make outrageous decisions that may lead to something unique and groundbreaking. And doing this on a plugin is not going to make your basement explode so being bold and weird can only move us to the future!

PS: I work with a lot of people that make plugins and I hope you are not offended by this… On the contrary, I hope you’ll get inspired and keep doing your thing :)

Let’s hear your thought in the comments below!


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